Hell’s Kitchen

Her heart is unable to die
I guessed how things would turn out for her
She had been utterly absorbing
Sex, philanthropy, politics, and pandemonium
A heartbreaking, wispy woman

Charms Candies and Wrigley’s PK Gum
A nice mild cherry flavor and a welcome addition for guys –

starving and dehydrated on a life raft
This is the best gum I’ve ever had


Cheese Spread and Marlboro Cigarettes
The awesome rancidity
Outer surface glistening and velvety soft
A decadent rare treat, I wish I had a hundred


Hell’s Kitchen
Fish food, foul beef
Lacking in flavor.

Abnormal. Not safe.

Like chewing on a sponge
Like garden soil
You were death

Inhale, Execute.

Use a deck of playing cards. Use darker curtains.
Re-paint a room a brighter color.
Spend more time in nature. Imagine smelling the grass, feeling the wind.
Take the longest nap possible. Do not nap underneath trucks.

Display grief.

My breathing is calm. My breathing is calm.
Body relaxed. I load my weapon and take a deep breath.
I align my target and breathe in, exhale, hold, and deliberately squeeze the trigger.


Do You Have a Brother?


How Idly We Wash Our Hands